健康 保険 資格 取得 日

健康 保険 資格 取得 日

Japanese Health Insurance is one of the most important aspects of living in Japan. It is mandatory for all residents to have health insurance, and there are different types of health insurance available depending on your situation. In this article, we will discuss the process of obtaining health insurance qualification in Japan, including the necessary steps and requirements.

📖 目次
  1. What is Health Insurance Qualification?
  2. Requirements for Health Insurance Qualification
    1. 1. Be a Resident of Japan
    2. 2. Have a Valid Residence Card
    3. 3. Be Enrolled in a Japanese Work or Study Program
    4. 4. Have a Japanese Bank Account
  3. The Process of Obtaining Health Insurance Qualification
    1. 1. Determine Your Eligibility
    2. 2. Submit an Application
    3. 3. Pay Your Premiums
    4. 4. Receive Your Insurance Card
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs
    1. 1. Can I apply for health insurance if I am not a resident of Japan?
    2. 2. How much do health insurance premiums cost in Japan?
    3. 3. How long does it take to obtain health insurance qualification in Japan?
    4. 4. Can I change my health insurance provider?
    5. 5. What happens if I do not have health insurance in Japan?

What is Health Insurance Qualification?

Health insurance qualification is the process of registering for Japanese health insurance. It is mandatory for all residents of Japan to have health insurance, and there are different types of insurance available depending on your situation. The most common types of insurance are National Health Insurance (NHI) and Employee Health Insurance (EHI). In order to obtain health insurance qualification, you must meet certain requirements and follow a specific process.

Requirements for Health Insurance Qualification

In order to obtain health insurance qualification in Japan, you must meet certain requirements. The requirements may differ depending on your situation, but generally, you must:

1. Be a Resident of Japan

To qualify for health insurance in Japan, you must be a resident of Japan. This means that you must have a valid visa and be living in Japan for a certain period of time. The period of time may differ depending on the type of health insurance you are applying for, so it is important to check the requirements for your specific situation.

2. Have a Valid Residence Card

In order to register for health insurance, you must have a valid residence card. Your residence card is issued by the Japanese government and contains information about your visa status and address in Japan.

3. Be Enrolled in a Japanese Work or Study Program

If you are employed or enrolled in a Japanese study program, you may be eligible for Employee Health Insurance (EHI). In order to qualify for EHI, you must be enrolled in a program that is recognized by the Japanese government.

4. Have a Japanese Bank Account

Most health insurance premiums in Japan are paid through bank transfer, so it is important to have a Japanese bank account. If you do not have a Japanese bank account, you may be able to pay your premiums through a convenience store or other payment methods.

The Process of Obtaining Health Insurance Qualification

The process of obtaining health insurance qualification in Japan may differ depending on your situation, but generally, the process is as follows:

1. Determine Your Eligibility

Before you can apply for health insurance, you must determine which type of insurance you are eligible for. This may depend on your employment status, visa type, and other factors.

2. Submit an Application

Once you have determined your eligibility, you must submit an application for health insurance. The application may be submitted online or in person at your local government office.

3. Pay Your Premiums

After your application has been approved, you must pay your health insurance premiums. Premiums may be paid monthly or annually, and can be paid through bank transfer or other payment methods.

4. Receive Your Insurance Card

After you have paid your premiums, you will receive your health insurance card. This card contains important information about your health insurance, including your coverage and premium payment status.


In conclusion, obtaining health insurance qualification in Japan is an important process for all residents. By meeting the necessary requirements and following the appropriate steps, you can ensure that you have access to quality healthcare in Japan.


1. Can I apply for health insurance if I am not a resident of Japan?

No, you must be a resident of Japan to apply for health insurance.

2. How much do health insurance premiums cost in Japan?

The cost of health insurance premiums in Japan varies depending on your situation. Generally, premiums are based on your income and other factors.

3. How long does it take to obtain health insurance qualification in Japan?

The process of obtaining health insurance qualification in Japan may take several weeks or even months, depending on your situation.

4. Can I change my health insurance provider?

Yes, you can change your health insurance provider in Japan. However, there may be certain restrictions and requirements depending on your situation.

5. What happens if I do not have health insurance in Japan?

If you do not have health insurance in Japan, you may be subject to fines and other penalties. Additionally, you may not have access to quality healthcare when you need it most.

関連ブログ記事 :  保険営業の年収アップを目指すためのポイントとは?



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